
The Bash-Operated Reconciling Kludge

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How to write a Bork assertion type

So, you have something you’d like to be able to track with bork’s ok or no declarations. Perhaps it’s the presence of packages from yet another programming language’s packaging system, perhaps something you interact with through the shell. If you can programmatically determine if it’s present, and programmatically make it present, you can probably make a Bork assertion type out of it.

Action calls

Bork assertions are scripts that are called by the runner. Ideally they could be run independently of the runner, provided the bork helpers are loaded via bork load, if they even call on the helpers. The runner calls with an action and the arguments provided to ok/no. For example, this call to ok:

ok brew bats

is transformed into one or more of calls to the brew assertion:

types/ status bats
types/ install bats
types/ upgrade bats

The no call does broadly the same thing, except in reverse. Because Bork is status-aware, there isn’t a need for your type to know whether it was invoked by ok or no; after querying the state of the system, Bork will take the most sensible action based on what it finds. So if you had bats installed and you made the following call to no:

no brew bats

the brew type would receive the following:

types/ status bats
types/ remove bats

All of that happens transparently thanks to the runner. If you report the status codes Bork is expecting, the runner will take the hard work out of figuring out what it needs to do.

Most of the bork “core” assertions use a case statement to switch on the provided “action”.

The runner decides what calls to perform based on its current operation and the state of the system. Here are the actions a script can expect from the runner:


types/ desc

Outputs basic usage information. This is included in bork types. Only really useful right now for scripts that are in the types/ directory included with bork.


types/ status path/to/targetfile path/from/sourcefile

When called with status, the assertion script should determine if the assertion is met, and return a code to indicate the current status of the assertion. It may echo messages to STDOUT indicating guidance to the user indicating any problems or warnings.

Example: checks that targetfile exists, has the same md5 sum as sourcefile.

See the Status codes reference for the complete list. Note that in the case of negative assertions with the no command, you should still return the status as normal – the no command is expecting you to return 10 to verify things are completely missing from the system.


types/ install path/to/targetfile path/from/sourcefile

When called with install, the assertion script should assume that status was called with the same arguments and returned 10; that is, nothing about the assertion exists on the host system.

Example: copies sourcefile to targetfile.

The script should output any relevant messages, and return 0 on success.


types/ upgrade to/targetfile from/sourcefile --permissions=700

When called with upgrade, the assertion script should assume that status was called with the same arguments and returned 11, 12, or 20. Enough of the assertion exists that a different, hopefully quicker path can be taken to satisfying the assertion.

Example: Updates the permissions on targetfile to 700.

The script should output any relevant messages and updates, and return 0 on success.


types/ remove to/targetfile from/sourcefile

The script should remove the artifacts of the assertion from the system. The assertion can assume that status was called with the same arguments and returned a status indicating it was present (i.e. not 10 for missing) on the system.

Example: Deletes targetfile

The script should output any relevant messages, and return 0 on success.


types/ compile to/targetfile from/sourcefile

Echo any relevant information about the current system for the given arguments that will be copied to the compiled script. The compiled script itself will be included by the compiler, as will the assertion that is calling ‘compile’ to begin with.

When called from the compiled script, you can test is_compiled in status, install, etc., to determine if you need to do anything differently.

Example: base64-encodes sourcefile and assigns it to a variable that maps to its path. The status and install actions know to use this variable instead of looking for the sourcefile and base64-decode its contents.


Bork makes a number of helpers available to ease common bash scripting pain points. They are in the lib/helpers directory, but there is one in particular you should be familiar with when writing assertion type scripts:


Bork has the notion of the “source system” and the “target system”. They are currently realized only in the scope of the “compile” operation, but in the future it might be possible to run bork locally and have it execute commands on another host system via ssh. The key to doing this is bake.

Any command that queries the state of or modifies the target system should be run through bake. In normal operation, it will simply eval the command as passed. Querying the state of the “source system” or logic do not need to be passed through bake.

This is a little bit of overhead, but I believe it will yield promising results. Controlling remote hosts is one possibility, providing “compile” with an option to just do a super-lightweight install script is another. It’s used for mocking behavior in the tests.